Sales and Use Tax in Diverse Industry Verticals

The Power of Level-3 Data

The application of sales and use tax varies significantly across different industry verticals. Each industry presents its unique challenges and nuances when it comes to tax compliance. Let's dissect the intricacies of four specific industries and understand how Level-3 data can be a game-changer in ensuring compliance.




  • Inventory Parts, Materials, and Labor: Manufacturing involves various components - raw materials, machinery parts, labor, and more. Determining the taxability of each element, especially when they're used in different stages of production, complicates the tax picture.
  • Sales for Resale: Often, manufacturers sell products to intermediaries or distributors for resale. These transactions might be exempt from sales tax, adding another layer of complexity.

Level-3 Data Application: By capturing detailed transaction data, manufacturers can differentiate between taxable and non-taxable components. For instance, itemized data can help identify machinery parts eligible for tax exemptions or track sales made explicitly for resale, ensuring accurate tax calculations.




  • Diverse Customer Base: Merchandisers sell to businesses, governments, and consumers. Each segment might have different taxability rules, making it essential to classify sales accurately.
  • Product Taxability Variations: Depending on the jurisdiction, certain products might be taxable, while others might be exempt. For example, clothing might be taxable in one state but exempt in another.

Level-3 Data Application: Merchandisers can utilize Level-3 data to categorize sales based on the customer type and product. Detailed transaction data can help identify the exact nature of the product sold and its taxability status in a specific jurisdiction, ensuring accurate tax application.


Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)


  • Evolving Tax Laws: Many tax laws were framed before the SaaS boom. As a result, jurisdictions are rapidly updating regulations to address this industry, leading to a dynamic tax landscape.
  • Tax Point Dilemma: Is the tax applied where the software is used or at the company's address that purchased the licenses? This question complicates tax calculations.
  • Multiple Points of Use: A company might purchase a SaaS license but have multiple branches using it across different jurisdictions, each with its tax rates.

Level-3 Data Application: SaaS providers can leverage Level-3 data to track the usage of their software. Detailed logs can help determine where the software is predominantly used, aiding in accurate tax calculations. Furthermore, itemized data can help address the multiple points of use challenge by allocating tax based on usage across different jurisdictions.


Digital Products


  • Defining Digital Products: This industry encompasses a wide range of products - mobile apps, games, streaming services, music, and more. The taxability of each product might differ.
  • Complex Taxability: Some jurisdictions might tax streaming services but exempt digital music purchases, adding to the complexity.

Level-3 Data Application: By capturing granular transaction data, businesses can classify their sales based on the exact nature of the digital product. This classification, combined with the taxability rules of the specific jurisdiction, ensures accurate tax application.

In Conclusion

Across industries, the challenges of sales and use tax compliance are manifold. However, with the power of Level-3 data, businesses can navigate this complex landscape with greater precision. Detailed, itemized transaction data offers clarity, ensuring that businesses apply the correct tax rates, minimize discrepancies, and stay compliant. In the ever-evolving world of taxation, being informed and prepared is not just a necessity but a strategic advantage. Would you not agree?